January 13, 2007

Colin Edwards II, Under the Radar

One of the cool things I did this past Christmas in California was get on the horn and call up some people. Here I am at Desmoto Sport on 9th with my ever present Axio Hardpack making some calls. This shop is full of vintage, full-resto's, and racebike carcasses everywhere - it's my kind of place. If you're in SF, check it out.

I was lucky enough to get in touch with Colin Edwards II and we set up a short, impromtu phone interview for MotoGPod, the internet radio show about motorcycle roadracing.

Here's a clip of from the full podcast which also features some great stuff from Dave Emmett, also known as Kropotkin, and an interview with the world class photographer, Andrew Wheeler!

MotoLiam and Colin Edwards II

Full MotoGPod Podcast

Also, here's a special shout out to Greg G., who mailed me this cool shirt he made.

Greg G. is also known as Graystoke on a ton of internet forums, and he's a nice guy so say hello if you see him on his red VFR with #45 stickers. I hear he's trying to switch to an Aprilia Futura in the near future. Good luck with the Italian bike, Greg!

And last but not least, the strange suit drying machine we spoke about on the podcast!

This makes more than 2000 photos that I've put out on www.MotoLiam.com

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