
April 07, 2008

We head to Cascais, Lisbon, Portugal, for Estoril!

Round 3 (or 4, who's counting?) is just around the corner. Literally. While the Gran Premio de Portugal takes place in another country, it was once a Spanish GP, and is unofficially considered to be one to this day as so many Spaniards will make the trek across the Iberian Peninsula to see the race. What does this race have in store for the Squadra Delle Pecore Nere?

We arrive tomorrow, with only a small time zone to hop through, meaning my flight there from BCN will be 40 minutes long, and the return flight 2:45 long. If . . . . everything goes according to plan, haha. In the meantime, let's get ready for Estoril with this Beautiful Re-Mix!

And while you're at it, have a look at the updated Extras Page, which features additional music you may not have caught since this season began.


Hi Liam. Hope you're doing fine. Don't really agree with what you said, that this still feels like a spanish gp. In the 80's our federation did something that I find ofensive, to "sell" the gp to the spanish federation and have two gp's in spain with the portuguese name. But that was 20 years ago. Now we may have a lot of spanish fans on the crowd (for the people in galizia, this is the closest gp they have) and they're welcome, but the gp is PORTUGUESE! portuguese organization and lost os portuguese fans, even if we don't have any rider on the three world series (yet). So next time remember that you're in PORTUGAL, not spain haha

Cheers mate and mybe I'll see you next year, who knows! It would be fun!

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